Whether the game appears at the speedrunning marathon is up to the event planners, who have to consider its watchability, the performer, and where it would fit into a weeklong schedule.
Summer Games Done Quick will be taking game submissions in the next two weeks. Free Download PuppeTNetiK Speedrun Challenge Full Version Game for PC, it is try to control of this military climbing prototype with the help of a magnet. If you go into the game with the mindset that the characters have, I believe the ending will leave you rather satisfied. Life is not always pleasant and sometimes you just want to bury your head in the sand. I noticed my older run was getting a considerable amount of views so I decided to stop being lazy and upload this one. BIRTHDAY EVE COMP WOO firewatch in queue tiktok. Firewatch, for me, is a story about ordinary people trying to escape reality. This flurry of activity makes Elden Ring a solid Games Done Quick candidate. Last Chance to Speedrun Archives Type me MadSquadGaming MorguesNetwork. The speedrun community may opt for “RTA No Load,” which means real time minus the time spent in loading screens. Summer is coming and you and you see an ad in the paper for a job. (1989) (Take care of Julia) You get a DUI and Julia is moved back to Australia by her family. Screenshots Artwork Videos Workshop Items Merchandise Collections Guides. This was a WILD wr Almost perfect RNG and got the wiggle glitch without even doing a wiggleQuitout time removal:Lothering: 0.64sAlienage: 1.8sDenerim Gate. (1989) (Moved Julia) Julias sister Susan comes to visit. Theres a tab where you can switch it from high to low. Show: By DeadeGuard98 DeadeGuard98s Favorites.

The excel sheet by default is ordered from low to high on subscriber count.

Distortion2’s runs were clocked according to in-game time, which came from Elden Ring’s save file. Since this topic comes up in the subreddit every so often, and since Im currently a bit injured, I compiled a list of every speedrun doc/PB commentary/analysis youtuber that I could find online.

In setting the previous unofficial record, LilAggy pointed out one reason why doesn’t recognize any records yet: The timing rules haven’t been officially decided. He also “wrong-warps” the game, which forces the game to respawn his character into new locations after he dies, so he can skip to late-game areas that much faster. Distortion2 uses some exploits as well as in-game skill, for example using double jumps while mounted to cover ground faster. This is an Any% speedrun, meaning every tactic is fair game, including glitches and other exploits.